Monday, March 5, 2007

Liberals Showing That Racism Is Their Motivator!

The Daily Kos is a website that is commonly visited by liberals throughout the US. If you look at posting regarding our islands -- you will find several statements which prove to be very racist. It's interesting that these liberals claim to protect all people, yet they stereotype and feel compelled to spread lies to get their way.

In posts, the people of the CNMI are stereotyped and made to look inferior. The individuals who post call our people "human trafficers," "sweat shop owners," and "money launderers." The folks posting have no shame in showing thier distrust of the Chinese and other Asian cultures. Feel free to see yourselves --

The CNMI is under US jurisdiction. If there is money laundering -- where is the FBI? We are under the same banking system as any state in the US. "Human traffickers?" They like to make it sound pervasive, but there have only been a few isolated incidents -- no different then a suburb of a major city in the US. I'm willing to bet that these issues are a larger problem in the city of New York. It's amazing how the DC Democrats are demonizing our people for their political benefit in Washington.

The strange thing is that they are making this a partisan issue claiming that the CNMI are full of GOPers (which we know isn't necessarily true). Interestingly enough, the CNMI is being represented by a couple Dem DC lobbying firms -- one tied to Kennedy/Biden. Maybe this is all a money shakedown on the Islands being organized by leadership in conjunction with some of the lobbying firms?

We are hard working people with strong family values. The Democrats in DC will make up any story to destroy our economy thus destroy our people. They also play favorites -- destroying some people and helping others (those islands where Dem leadership have financial interest).

Let's all work hard together to let the DC Democrats know that we will not tolerate their hateful and mean-spirited rhetoric of our people and our Islands. Let's also remind everyone that we have many of our sons and daughters fighting for the US. We are not the evil people the Daily Kos people and the liberal DC Democrats make us out to be. As a reminder of our sacrifices, feel free to share this link to all of them. Please remind the DC Democrats that we are not as bad as they say we are and our people have sacrificed for freedom.

Please have all of your friends in the US email the Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resource Committee Jeff Bingaman and tell him that you are AGAINST a federal takeover of the CNMI. To do so, please click on this link

On behalf of the good people of the CNMI -- thank you.


Angelo Villagomez said...

Aren't the Tans American? I know that the family is originally from Hong Kong, but I'm pretty sure that they are all American.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of your thoughts regarding the liberal media's obvious bias against us.

I can not recall one article anywhere which reports on the positive nature of events that the CNMI Government has been doing to improve their system of immigration. In fact, most of that data being referenced is from 1998-2000. This data is almost 10 years old for pete's sake!!

Where is the "real" media in all of this? Why hasn't anyone bothered to do a REAL IN DEPTH investigation of how the CNMI is IMPROVING????????

Why is nobody reporting? Because it is not "juicy" or "obscene"? Yeah...because the truth doesn't sell....only slander and libel do.

Brad Ruszala said...

I'd like to get behind you and help out but you don't add any meat to your submissions. Also a spell checker wouldn't hurt.

What I’ve noticed:

1. Calling the people on the mainland racists is like calling the kettle black. You are hurling generalizations of the same stereotypes to the people who you claim are doing the same to folks in the CNMI.

2. I also grew up in a suburb of a major city and I can tell you that we had ZERO incidents of human trafficking. Not a few, I mean ZERO. You can believe that it would be MAJOR news if it happened.

3. I love it here and don’t think that it’s any better anywhere else in the world. If there was a perfect place there’d be no reason to go to church, nai. While we have our problems here it’s exactly where I want to be.

4. See your words below:

“We are hard working people with strong family values. The Democrats in DC will make up any story to destroy our economy thus destroy our people. They also play favorites -- destroying some people and helping others (those islands where Dem leadership have financial interest).”

This was your best part of the Blog. Where would you like me to start?

“The Democrats in DC will make up any story to destroy our economy thus destroy our people.”

Well, what exactly is the economy right now? It can’t be the garment industry because that is already rapidly closing down. Tourism? Some would argue that Beautify CNMI! is doing more for tourism than the MVA.

What exactly are “our people” doing with the garment industry? The majority of the workers aren’t from here. And by majority I mean 99.99% of them. So who is it destroying? I think it would be good for folks to shape their own destiny than sit back while fatty fat fat cats pay tons of taxes to float our bloated government. What do you think?

“They also play favorites…”

Of course nobody in the CNMI plays favorites. I’ve never heard of someone getting a job based on familial ties, have you?

Come on Sarah, you can do better than that. You’re not doing that bad though.

I like where you’re going but you need a better way of getting there. All you are doing is getting people mad at the wrong things.

Start from scratch.

Let’s get mad at the waste.
Let’s get mad at the corruption.
Let’s get mad at the power shutting off all the time.
Let’s get mad at not being able to drink the tap water.
Let’s get mad at the children of the CNNMI not being able to get a decent education.
Let’s get mad at those damn poker rooms all over the place.
Let’s get mad at DPS using WMD/HAZMAT Response vehicles as daily drivers.
Let’s get mad at all of those vacant offices on Capitol Hill going to waste and asking for a brand new complex.
Let’s get mad at the damn Rose Parade float.
Let’s get mad that we can’t swim at our own beaches because they’re covered in feces.
Let’s get mad at the people who leave their trash on the beach (and they’re not the tourists).
Let’s get mad that a gallon of milk is more expensive than a gallon of gas.
Let’s get mad that it’s cheaper to buy junk food to feed our families than to buy healthy food.
Let’s get mad that we have the best climate for growing fruits, rice and vegetables but we can’t find hardly anything fresh.
Let’s get mad that Joeten doesn’t accept coupons.
Let’s get mad that if the garment industry shut down tomorrow and no tourists came to Saipan that out leaders haven’t put anything in place to keep us alive—and they’ve had a couple of years to do so, too!

Let’s get mad at all of that.

We could do that.

Or, we could just blame it on the DC Democrats and go to the beach with a six pack and a grill.

I’m not one, though. A DC Democrat, that is.

I just live here and love it everyday.

Hope we keep control of our immigration. That’s huge for us.

What if we just give them the ol’ “FU” and tell them we’re rescinding the Covenant? Then what? Would the US keep the land? I mean, they won it by beating the Japanese, right?

Whether you agree or not, think of it this way. The signing of the Covenant gave the Micronesians the first control of the islands in close to 400 years. What happened in the past 30 years?

So, now what can we do to fix it?

Should we start our own economy by printing out own money? Start the CNMI Department of Treasury? What will the money be worth?

Should we start our own military? Start the CNMI Department of Defense? Who could we defend ourselves from?

Should we start presiding over our own food? Start the CNMI Department of Agriculture and Food & Drug Association? How will we be able to feed ourselves? Buy everything (with our new money?) or grow it?

See, we can’t even completely care for ourselves. We are so dependent on the US now, and whose fault is that? Who had the foresight to do anything different?

Instead, who is plunking down coins into the poker machines? Where does that money comes from (food and bills)? Who owns the machines?

Sarah, you are spirited. Why not figure out the answers to these questions and start making a REAL difference. With your drive you could shape the new CNMI—in fact, it wouldn’t necessarily be called the CNMI anymore either.

Where did that name come from? Think about where people live. Chinese people live in China. Thais live in Thailand. Hawai’ians live in Hawai’i. Do you know anyone who is CNMIese?

So much in store for you. Hope you take the bull by the horns and make a difference.

Anonymous said...

I read that posting on the Daily Kos and I am sorry the argument does not make sense. On one hand they say there are problems with human trafficking and forced prostitution and on the other hand they want to get the "Government and the Chamber of Commerce" out of the way to create an American minimum wage standard to a jurisdiction 9000 miles away. How does that make any sense? I don't believe the members of the Government or the Chamber businesses are involved in these types of business. If they are this is not an economic issue it is a law enforcement issue. I would support letting people govern themselves and help support and improve the ability of local law enforcement. Who do we think we are, let the locals decide and we can help them enforce there laws.

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT believe what I just read on that Daily Koss website. I didn't know we were spoken about in such an ill way. This is truly disgusting. I can't believe educated people like that would speak about other human beings like that. Calling us Saipan Pirates?

Someone should do something about these people. They are the ones who are inhumane.

Sarah Miel said...

BradInTheSand -- thank you for your comment, your thoughts and your time. I agree on most of your points, but we can't fight every fight at the same time.

I am more concerned with outsiders wishing to take control of anything we do without first addressing it from within. I also don't think that it is in our best interest when outsiders from the outside world speak ill and spread malicious lies about our islands and our people. If the international community think we are truly a terrible island and people, we lose hope of increasing tourism and attracting ideal foreign investment.

You keep fighting your fight and I'll fight mine. We'll meet in the middle and the islands will be a better place.

I appreciate your efforts and the efforts of Beautify CNMI! Our islands are sacred and beautiful and we must keep it safe. Let's all work together to keep our beaches clean and our water safe.

Anonymous said...

Brad in the sand:

I have a couple of issues with your statements.

1. Comparing a suburb with a state are two different analogies. I would suggest you compare the state you lived in with the CNMI. I don’t see any liberal media attacking Susupe or Dan Dan or even Saipan for that matter. They are attacking the CNMI as a whole. Like your suburb, I am sure there are cities and even islands in the CNMI that don’t have human rights issues. However, if you compare your state with the CNMI, I am sure it wouldn’t be anymore or less.

2. We welcome US Mainlander’s like yourself who have chosen to spend your life in the CNMI, however you must respect our right to self government. We are NOT a possession of the United States, we are a Commonwealth in “political union” with the United States each with equal but important roles in that particular relationship. If some of us do not feel comfortable with the US position, please allow us to voice our opinion without being immediately accused of being anti-American or un-patriotic.

3. The economy is our tourism and our garment industry. I am not sure if you noticed, but the CNMI is the only island in the pacific with an ADS (authorized destination status) from China. Guam and Hawaii don’t have this. Therefore, if the Feds take over the immigration system here, that ADS will have no effect because Chinese will not be able to travel here. This is the ONLY growing tourist market segment in the CNMI. With double digit growth for the past 3 years running. While Japan and Korea drop in the double digits the US is telling us that those are the only countries we can focus on. Brad……come on……this “is” the economy and the Dems know this. They will “destroy our economy” by taking away the growing China tourist market.

As for the garment industry, am I missing something here. Do you still live here? There are over 20 factories still operating. If Immigration is taken over, who will work at these factories, what will the tax revenue be replaced with, what will outbound containers (exports) be filled with? Brad…..come on…..the economy is “still” garment factories. They are still here……..they are not gone………they still produce revenue and pay taxes. If this were gone overnight, the dems will effectively destroy our economy.

Are you lost? Or do you not live on Saipan??? The garment factories help by reducing cost of goods imported into Saipan by paying for the empty containers to be returned to the US. If those containers didn’t contain garments, you, me and 100% of the CNMI residents would be paying more at the Grocery stores….So… are wrong to insinuate that the Garment factories only help non-residents and a bloated government….the garment factories help “us” Brad.

4. At least when the CNMI “plays favorites” they are open about it. What the Dems and DOI are doing is just plain illegal. How can you say one set of rules apply to American Samoa and another set to CNMI? Could it be because Star-Kist and Del Monte donate to Pelosi and Testor’s PACs? Could it be that David Cohen is American Samoan? Let’s call a spade a spade. This spade is attacking us, so it deserves to be called out and exposed.

5. Although your “let’s get mad” tirade is admirable and an obvious “call to action” ala Tina Sablan, the focus is not what we need to do to clean up our island internally, the focus is HOW TO STOP FEDERALIZATION. I believe and I assume you as well, believe that we at the local level should be given the opportunity to fix our problems without the FEDS ramming it down our throats. NOBODY has proven that our immigration system is out of control or is a risk to the US National Security. NOBODY. Therefore, we should be allowed to continue our improvement via protests by activists like you and I. No need for someone half way around the world telling us how to do this. We can do it on our own and in my honest opinion have proven so. If you don’t believe me, email Mel Grey at the Immigration office and ask him about the improvements.

6. Your insinuation that independence is not an option is grossly in error. Take a look at Palau….nuff said. Also, who do you think has more at stake here? The CNMI with its interest to control immigration or the US Federal Government who is risking the political relationship with a strategically located set of islands??? Do you think DOD or the State Department will stand by if the Dems threaten the stability of the US agreement with the indigenous people of the CNMI?....wake up. And if you don’t think this issue is big enough to start a plebiscite or grass roots movement…..I don’t think you have lived here long enough to understand our people or the international interests who would support such an independence movement.

7. To say “we can’t even completely care for ourselves” is ridiculous. The CNMI is the most self sustaining interior jurisdiction in the group. Per capita in relation to our GDP, our Federal aid dollars don’t compare to the other jurisdictions. We are the shining example that DOI uses when talking to the Marshall’s, FSM, American Samoa, etc. And to insinuate that we could not survive with out the US, I would refer you back to #6 above. I am sure there would be a hell of lot of other countries willing to give us Aid, while we still retained our independence. (China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, etc.) Would all be chomping at the bit to give aid with no strings attached. Just ask Palau….

8. I commend Sarah…..and SHE IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE, because the truth is finally being let out that this is nothing more than a Democratic led witch hunt for political gain in 2008.

Keep it coming Sarah….there are people in the CNMI who have become great fans…

I am one of them…

Anonymous said...

TIME OUT! I would love to see Gin Gridley interview Tina Sablan. That would be a HOT segment on the news. Watch out Nielsen Ratings! YOOOOOWWWZZZZAAAAA!

Stop the political witch hunt! Stop calling us names. As Michael Jackson says -- "beat it."

Brad Ruszala said...

nmc manhoben,
My man, of course I love here. Why else would I care? I have just as much of a stake in this land that I love as you do. The future of the CNMI mean oh so much to me and the only thing I want is for us to move forward.

I whole heartedly appreciate your response because you are young and motivated by the issues of the day. Rock on!

Now, how do we go about doing proactive stuff?

Well, I want first to explain something about your seventh point of contention.

"7. To say “we can’t even completely care for ourselves” is ridiculous. The CNMI is the most self sustaining interior jurisdiction in the group. Per capita in relation to our GDP, our Federal aid dollars don’t compare to the other jurisdictions. We are the shining example that DOI uses when talking to the Marshall’s, FSM, American Samoa, etc. And to insinuate that we could not survive with out the US, I would refer you back to #6 above. I am sure there would be a hell of lot of other countries willing to give us Aid, while we still retained our independence. (China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, etc.) Would all be chomping at the bit to give aid with no strings attached. Just ask Palau…."

First of all, saying that we don't need as much aid as someone else doesn't sound all that great. It's like living in the projects and saying that I don't need as many food stamps as the guy down the hall.

Also, aren't you saying that we would need someone to give us aid in the form of another country? My point was for us to find a way to stand on our own.

The garment industry is not alive and well here. It is on life support and looking grim. What kind of industry can we use to replace it?

On to your first point of contention:

1. Comparing a suburb with a state are two different analogies. I would suggest you compare the state you lived in with the CNMI. I don’t see any liberal media attacking Susupe or Dan Dan or even Saipan for that matter. They are attacking the CNMI as a whole. Like your suburb, I am sure there are cities and even islands in the CNMI that don’t have human rights issues. However, if you compare your state with the CNMI, I am sure it wouldn’t be anymore or less.

If you would re-read Sarah's piece she specifically mentioned the suburb and I specifically answered her point.

I totally agree with comparing the CNMI to something bigger than a suburb, but to be frank, the whole of the CNMI is no bigger than a small to medium sized city by population and land mass.

As to your second point of contention:

2. We welcome US Mainlander’s like yourself who have chosen to spend your life in the CNMI, however you must respect our right to self government. We are NOT a possession of the United States, we are a Commonwealth in “political union” with the United States each with equal but important roles in that particular relationship. If some of us do not feel comfortable with the US position, please allow us to voice our opinion without being immediately accused of being anti-American or un-patriotic.

I in no way question anyone's patriotism so standing up and asking the hard questions to our leaders. Our country was founded on that.
Keep in mind though that the CNMI would not even be the CNMI were it not for the US giving the land to the Micronesians.
While you can stake a claim on land from 400 years ago, who else would have accepted that claim? The Spanish didn't. The Germans didn't. The Japanese didn't.
Hey, I'm not saying that the US is perfect--far from it. FAR FROM IT! But, there's gotta be a reason for the folks in DC to be up in arms about what's been happening here.
At least the only good thing to come out of this is that the next generation of local leaders like yourself are getting mad and looking to make a difference early in your lives. This is truly an exciting time to be alive! I can't wait to see your generation rise and right the wrongs. Truly amazing.

Now to your third point of contention:
This is the heart of the matter! You nailed it by talking about the need for our exported goods to balance the cost of our imported goods.
Now, the question is, what are we going to do when the garment industry is gone--and my man, it's going.

You obviously don't think I live here but would you honestly lead yourself to believe that the garment industry is thriving?

It's George Foreman on the ropes taking a late match pounding from Muhammad Ali. This isn't the Rope-A-Dope; this is the beginning of the end.

So my point isn't that we don't need the garment industry as much as that we need to replace it with something. What is that something? I don't know, but we'd better come up with something soon.

And while it would be easy to blame our leaders for failing to find a business to occupy all of those soon to be vacant factories, our energy would be better spent figuring out how to fill them quick.

How about as a string of assembly plants for a Japanese, Korean or Chinese automobile manufacturer? Labor will still be cheaper than in the States and in Japan. The problem would be the lack of skilled workers. Give it time and we could have one heck of a thing going here. Only problem is that we would have one heck of a nasty, noisy island to live on.

There must be something better out there. But what?

As for your sixth point:
If you are indeed a student at NMC then I have been an adult since you were in elementary school. While that doesn't qualify me as an expert in anything other than paying bills I definitely understand the way a few things work.
As far as an independence movement is concerned, I say go for it! No problem from me with that at all. Why would I? No answer for that.
I don't think it will happen, though. Not enough people care about changing things as you and Sarah. Most of them will get hyped about this issue like they did when Vanilla Ice was cool. I just hope that this fad lasts longer.

I wish you nothing but good luck in the future and I hope that my future children get to attend quality schools in the CNMI along with yours.

Anonymous said...

Brad, who is vanilla ice?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link.

I might suggest a more careful reading of my writings on the CNMI, but you are most certainly welcome to spin them as you wish.

The "Saipan Pirates" are a small group who have sold out both the guest workers and the indigenous population of the CNMI for power and profit. They serve the foreign investors who installed them in power.

As for the new lobbyists, Oldakler, Biden & Belair, they were involved with Abramoff and several other DC Scandals. Democrats would be wise to throw the book at them.

And Rudy Pamintuan, the new PR wiz has quite a few problems of his own, not to mention a stake in a new casino on Tinian.

Again, thanks for reading and the link.


Brad Ruszala said...

nmc manhoben,

who is vanilla ice? OMG! ice ice baby! c'mon man, the white rapper whose career went in the crapper? ugh. google him, google him! you should get a laugh. even worse than having a name like vanilla ice (back when ice cube and ice-t were cool n stuff) is his real name: Rob Van Winkle. this guy has lots to laugh about. he may have more problems than jack abramoff...